Blackstar LT Dual J&M Blackstar LT Dual Detailansicht J&amp;M Musikland Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:37:57 GMT de Blackstar LT Dual Thu, 25 Aug 2022 11:15:04 GMT <img src="" align="right" vspace="0" hspace="50"><font size="+1"><b>124,00 Euro</b></font><br> Blackstar LT Dual Die neuen LT Pedale sind hervorragend verarbeitet und an die etablierten HT Pedale angelehnt jedoch für den deutlich kleineren Geldbeutel Features Overdrive amp Distortion Patent Applied For clipping circuit that matches the tone and response of our valve pedals 2 Gain and Level equipped channels Shared Tone and patented ISF control Clean boost to high gain drive in a single pedal Small form factor great for pedalboards Rugged construction